Your PR and press agency
Tell your personal story

Reaching your target audience has never been easier. However, truly connecting with them, creating engagement, and prompting action is much tougher. Pressworld puts your organisation and brands in the spotlight with integrated public relations and corporate/consumer communication. Want to know how we tell your story?

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Your PR and communication partner

Investing in PR strategy and implementation should yield tangible results. We understand this. As a PR and press agency we create and make your news. We do that in confidence, with credible, compelling stories that people can trust. We support our clients – from start-ups to renowned brands – with content that forges connections and creates engagement.

As part of D’M&S, a full-service agency excelling in every aspect of professional communication – both nationally and internationally – we have the expertise you need to secure a long-term return on investment, whatever the media.

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Our cases

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