At Pressworld we build a world of informative, effective and authentic communication that helps create long-term engagement. We promote strong bonds between our clients and their target audience through traditional and social media. We help you achieve your goals and reinforce your reputation with innovation, creativity and a professional approach.

This is what we have to offer you

Consumer PR (Lifestyle PR & Brand PR)
Corporate PR and Thought Leadership
Social Media & Influencer Relations
Reputation Management (Corporate and CEO)

Consumer PR (Lifestyle PR & Brand PR)

We create inspiring and compelling content that creates an emotional connection with your customers and presents your brand to them in an authentic way.

  • How can I present my brand story and lifestyle content to inspire my customers and secure their long-term engagement?
  • How can I get them to place an order?
  • How can I present my brand in an appealing, personalised way?

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Corporate PR and Thought Leadership

Our PR experts help you boost your company’s reputation through strategic communication and thought leadership by managers. The goal is to position your company as a leader on your market.

  • Do I want to position my company as a leader in its field or do I prefer to stay in the shadows?
  • How can strategic communication reinforce my company’s reputation and where does that get me?
  • How can building thought leadership by my managers over time help me achieve my corporate goals?

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Social Media & Influencer Relations

We build strong partnerships with opinion leaders and influencers to improve the visibility and creditability of your company and products in the press and (social) media.

  • What added value do I create by improving my visibility and creditability among opinion leaders and on social media?
  • How can I build strong partnerships with opinion leaders and influencers?
  • How can I present my products and services to opinion leaders and influencers more effectively and how much is that going to cost?

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Reputation Management (Corporate and CEO)

Manage and protect the reputation of your company, your leaders and your employees? We support you with strategic communication and proactive PR, even in challenging times.

  • How can I improve public perceptions of my company and leaders?
  • How can I minimise reputational risks with proactive PR?
  • What communication strategy do I need to adopt to manage and protect the reputation of my company and my leaders?

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