Driven by decades’ experience as part of D’M&S, Pressworld helps companies optimise their digital communication. From giving strategic advice to running digital campaigns and creating content, we ensure your message is conveyed effectively through the best online channels. You improve your online visibility and you develop strong bonds with your target audience.

This is what we have to offer you

Social Media
Influencer Relations


We design and manage websites that get your message across, and are optimised for lead generation, ensuring your online presence markedly contributes to your corporate goals.

  • Does my website meet my target audience’s expectations in terms of information and drive them to act?
  • How can I optimise my website to generate more leads?
  • Which conditions must my website fulfil to amplify my online presence?

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Social Media

Our social media strategies are focused on reinforcing your brand and driving interaction with your target audience. This creates an active online community.

  • How can I reinforce my brand and drive interaction on social media?
  • What strategic factors should I plan to develop and manage my social media channels and content?
  • How can I grow my online community and drive conversion?

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We create eye-catching, informative blog content that attracts and engages your target audience. The result is greater brand loyalty and website traffic.

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Our whitepapers highlight your expertise and share in-depth information to keep your target audience engaged and help you position yourself as a thought leader

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Influencer Relations

We work strategically with micro and macro influencers to promote your brand to your target audience in a credible and convincing way on the socials and increase engagement with authentic content. Local, national and international. We help you select, onboard and brief influencers, create and influencer content, and provide reports.

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