Do you want to organise a press event? Our press agency does it all for you. From inviting and welcoming the press to all practical aspects of organisation and the communication itself. Need to tell your own people first? That can be done the same way but at another time. And the added advantage is that this can turn your employees into active ambassadors. Our focus is on bringing people together and achieving results.

This is what we have to offer you

Company visits


We organiseren en promoten evenementen die jouw merk versterken en relaties met jouw publieksgroep opbouwen. Zo creëer je blijvende indrukken.

  • How do I organise an event to reinforce my brand and drive relations with my target group?
  • How can I plan and promote my event to maximise its impact?
  • How do I make a lasting positive impression on my guests well beyond the event?

Explore the opportunities

Company visits

We plan, organise and coordinate company visits for the media and other stakeholders. That enables you to provide greater insight into your company and your activities, improving transparency and engagement.

  • How can I give the press, the media and other audiences better insight into my company and my activities?
  • How can I organise company visits to share and my story and strengthen my business relations?
  • How can I promote transparency and engagement with company visits?

Explore the opportunities