At Pressworld, we aim to promote authentic and sustainable communications that connect your company, products and services with your audience through press and media. We aim to use strategic Public Relations and corporate/consumer communications to make an impact, create engagement and drive action among your audience.

For this you can come to us

Strategic advice
Communication plan
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

Strategic advice

Our experts analyse your current communication efforts, identify strengths and weaknesses and offer tailored advice that directly contributes to growing your brand and achieving your strategic goals.

  • I have specific business goals I want to achieve with my brand. How can strategic communication advice help me achieve them?
  • Do I have a clear understanding of my current communication strategy and are there aspects that need to be improved to achieve my business goals?
  • To what extent can expert communication advice help raise my company's profile in the job market in the search for new employees?

Discover our answer

Communication plan

We develop a holistic communication plan that reflects your business objectives. With clear messages and tactics, we ensure maximum impact and consistent results.

  • What should be part of a detailed communication plan to achieve my business objectives?
  • How can I structure my communication strategy with targeted messages and tactics?
  • How do I create an overview of all communication activities to ensure a coherent and effective approach?

Discover our answer


Our team creates powerful, consistent messages that clearly convey your brand story and resonate with your audience target, strengthening your brand identity.

  • Is my current message consistent and powerful enough to effectively convey my corporate and brand story?
  • How can I reach my audience group (even) better with clear and impactful communication?
  • How can I better communicate my company story to my audience group?

Discover our answer

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

We help you communicate your social initiatives effectively. This contributes to a positive image, strengthens the bond with your 'stakeholders' and influences the ESG-rating for sustainability attached to your company.

  • What is the added value of better communicating my company's social responsibility to my audience?
  • How can I (even better) position my company as a positive force in society?
  • What is the cost and benefit of improving my corporate reputation through CSR and ESG?

Discover our answer